An Inspired Message for 2022
Have you been worried or scared concerning what 2022 holds? Read the blog post below!
One thing I'm sure of concerning the year 2022 is that we'll grow. Yes you and I. We'll both mature. There's been hunger, and thirst for righteousness, and more of God - therefore, many will be satisfied this year. It may not happen supernaturally but the end of it will be evidently supernatural. People will do ordinary things that'll bear supernatural results. For those who seek the Lord, this is your year!! Everything you go through in this year will shape you to become the glory of God you behold. Watch out for there'll be distractions too. A man of God once said, "there's always a right way, a wrong way, and a God way" of doing things. Discernment will be greatly needed in choosing the God way over the right way. Value quality friends who give godly counsel and have the gift of discernment for many will perish for the lack thereof.
Rejoice always, again I say rejoice! It is your year (wo)man of God. Give thanks in all situations for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Be filled with so much joy - it is the year of the Lord! Dear beloved, be united. Hate jealousy, hatred, envy, and all forms of ill-treatment towards your fellow brother and sister in Christ. Be united because your blessings will lie with one another. A brother will be blessed for his sister and the sister for her mother. So live in one accord and love each other.
It's a year of surreal glory. Tehila. Men will shine as brightly as the stars that some will call them gods. Stay humble brethren for it is the glory of God. Avoid flattery and run from pride! But whatever you do, do all to the glory of God and for His name's sake. Don't forget to strengthen one another. Strengthen the weak among you. Support the poor. love those in prison. Welcome the strangers. Show mercy. Feed the hungry. Pray for the sick. God delights in all these...
P.S. although vulnerable to say, I honestly don't know exactly how things are going to be/look like on this blog moving forward. It's unclear to me but I know God is not without a plan! Hence, I would like to make a request from you all as I once did - stay with me. Depend on God with me in 2022 for our best content yet! And God bless you as you do ❤
With love,
In the World In Faith