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Life Update: Same Old Same Old?

Writer's picture: Moyofoluwa AgudaMoyofoluwa Aguda

Okay, guys I sincerely feel like it's been ages since I had a heart-to-heart conversation with y'all - so here's the first one in 2022! Obviously, 2022 just began and we're only about a month in so part of my story will include the year 2021 events. Before I fully get into the update, I do want to answer the "question" in the title: Yes, it's the same kind of stuff I have for you (school, church, Christ) but NO, it is not old😅. Now let's dive in!

Starting with this blog: In 2021, I was not very active on the blog and I even took quite a break from it. I published just 4 blog posts in 2021 🤫

Yeah, not impressive at all.

The good side of the story is that improvements were made to the blog! We had a name change from Journey with Mo (which I still kinda love) to In The World In Faith (more classy I'd say😉) !! My beloved brother in Christ, Jeremiah came on board last year as well and we sent out some dope email campaigns. Pictures below:

I can confidently say, this blog grew creatively but there's an absolute need for improvement in its consistency and engagement. Lastly on this note but most importantly, we successfully completed The Living Word Series and it was a blast ❤!!!

Next, School: Alright remember I said things were the same for sure but not old? Yeah and here's a typical example of what I mean. Most of us are familiar with the usual school experiences - go to class, study, write exams, etc. Meet new professors and students with whom you probably have nothing to discuss after the semester ends. This sounds like the same old same old stuff but luckily, that is NOT how my semester went.

New things happened in my seemingly same school routine. I met a new, perhaps promising Christian community on campus, and for the first time, I was at their house for a meeting! I was enrolled in a course that corrupted my Christian values so I resigned for the first time too lol... And the huge deal is, I was a Welcome Weekend Leader on campus!! They are basically the coolest people on campus during the first week of resumption hosting all the welcome events😜.

The biggest news of all time is, I led someone to Christ💃🏽💃🏽!! I take no credit for this because the person's heart was already ripe for harvest.

I can't really outline all the events of my life because as I look back I realize a lot of great things happened that I had counted too basic, simple, or ordinary to write about. Apparently, they aren't! I could make a series of blog posts on my creative journey in 2021 if I had to! I could write about how God pruned my giftings in intercession, prophecy, and tongues too. There's more to say about the platforms I had the opportunity to serve out my giftings and graces especially my local church - RCCG Buffalo Fountain of Restoration! I sincerely pray for anyone hungry to grow and serve the body of Christ that the Lord will lead you to the right community of believers that will spur your growth IJN. It's a privilege to be a member of my church!


"The new is not always unfamiliar" ~ Rachel Aguda | In The World In Faith

Takeaway narrative: Before anything, I highly recommend you watch the movie titled "Gbemi 2: The Waiting Room" by Mount Zion. No spoilers. In this movie, there was a little girl with a simple, basic, and ordinary testimony of what Jesus did at her school. What seems very ordinary and not so spiritual replicated results that are not ordinary and in fact very spiritual. I hope you go watch it to see for yourself how powerful are the blessings that God gives you daily in the ordinary little things of life; and how much it can wrath!

Isaiah 43:19 NLT says "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." The Lord said to the Israelites that He was doing a new thing but He didn't say it will be unfamiliar or unrecognizable instead He questioned and perhaps wondered why they could not see it for He had already begun it. The new things are not always unfamiliar! They could be at the same place of job, at the same university, the same major, same routine of your life. Do not be blinded by your expectations for the new instead receive sight in the familiar to see how God is moving! The Israelites failed to see how God was busy making pathways through the wilderness and rivers for them in the wastelands perhaps because they were so expectant of the promise land (Canaan) - a land flowing with milk and honey.

I'm simply saying you will arrive at destiny. You will fulfill your purpose. You will get that big testimony but don't miss out on the move of God while you journey to your destination. Don't miss out on the little testimonies on your way to the huge ones! Embrace the fullness of God's will for your life.

Thank you all for reading through! God bless you richly 🙌🏽🤍



In The World In Faith blog

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Moyofoluwa Aguda
Moyofoluwa Aguda
2022년 1월 27일

I'd love to engage with you all in the comment section so how about you share one "little thing" God has done for you this week?

Mine will be the success of my first MCAT classes. I got so nervous about the MCAT at the beginning of this week but since I completed the first set of classes, it's a bit more reassuring. I'm also very grateful for my mentor's support at this time!



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