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Episode 1 - Appetizer

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Welcome to the very first episode of The Living Word Series!! I'm excited to feed on the word together with you.💖 If you're new here welcome! The Living Word Series is a new series on this blog that is aimed at feeding us with the word of God until we are satisfied. This series is like no other, in that my story or experience will not be heard - purely the word, purely God. Now, sit back to eat at the King's table!

The title of this episode is "The Way Out of the Pit"! I know you must be wondering 'what pit?' but there are so many of them. What is common to all pits is their similarity to a grave. Pits just like graves are dug holes in the ground with no source of living. However, graves are specifically for already dead people but pits can be for anyone. Ultimately, whoever falls into a pit and finds no way out will someday end up dead - a cause for alarm! So, in reality pits aren't for just anyone, but in fact for potentially dead people: people on the way to death.

Some of the pits we often fall into are: the pits of depression, despair, bitterness, loneliness, ruins and losses, discouragement, self pity and guilt... there are sinful pits of immorality, fornication, adultery, uncleanness (of the heart, mind, thoughts, lips), lies, covetousness, anger, unforgiveness...and the list goes on.

In this episode, 'The Way Out of the Pit', we will be examining a man in the bible who fell into the pit: his life before the pit experience, how he got into the pit and finally, out of the pit. Just like any full course meal, our full course word will have an appetizer, a main word, and a dessert.

~Appetizer: Genesis 37:3

~Main Word: Genesis 37:23-28

~Dessert: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 and Romans 8:37

Appetizer: "Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors." Genesis 37:3 KJV

  • Phrase 1 "Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children" is very clear, but for us, it doesn't mean you are loved by God any more or less than your brother. It simply means YOU, all humans, are loved by God more than any other creation. You are loved more than the sky, the stars, the oceans, and other living creatures! How beautiful is that? David, the psalmist said "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:" Psalm 8: 3-4, 6 KJV

  • Phrase 2 "because he was the son of his old age" this is the reason Israel loved Joseph but just like the psalmist in the verse above, I can't seem to fathom why God chose to love us even while we yet sinners. One correlation I see though is that, in the creation story we were also the last! It appears to me like the best is always saved for the last!

  • Phrase 3 "and he made him a coat of many colors." This as we see is the result of Israel (formerly Jacob) loving Joseph more than his brothers. Joseph's coat of many colors is an evidence of his father's love for Him. It also differentiated him from his siblings - hence, his identity. Just like Joseph, we (you and I) have an identity in Christ because of God's love!

As I leave you with this appetizer, I pray you don't leave the appetizer but you keep feeding on it. Spend time acknowledging and appreciating the evidences of God's love for you (the 'coat of many colors' He made you); and understanding the importance and impact it has in your life! The more you fill yourself with this word of life, the hungrier you are for the Main Word. So, stay hungry🤍

For as many who don't know the love of Christ but desire to experience it, say this after me: "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior. Help me Lord to know and experience your love for me and clothe me with my 'coat of many colors'🙏🏽. Amen!"

Congratulations if you just said those words with me! You are a new creation, saved and free to experience the Love of Christ. Feel free to message me so I can keep you in my prayers. God bless you!

Thanks everyone for reading. I'll see you next week!

Love always,


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