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My first step

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Hello everyone!! I am excited to finally start this. You know when you spend so much time daydreaming, painting that beautiful future effortlessly? It's like you have all power and authority to create and destroy in your head but the true exercise of power is to awaken from your slumber. Bringing yourself back to reality...

Kind of why I'm here now. I simply have been dreaming for way too long but here's my first step. Oops that's my topic too :)

Anyway, jokes apart let's get serious

I'm not here to preach at us. I once was trapped in darkness. Bound to sexual immorality and lust. I tried to escape from the sins that so easily beset me but it was frustrating each time! I guess it makes sense since I was a slave to sin and death. No matter what I tried, I kept doing that which I did not want to do.

Deeper and deeper I drowned in sin each time with frustration. Did I want to live this way? Of course not! But I chose it unconsciously.

Here's how: By default, we are under the law of sin and death from the time of Adam and Eve. But Christ came that we may be justified, that we may have the opportunity to choose between life and death, between the law of sin and that of grace by faith. So anyone who believes in the only son of God chooses life and grace. Without a decision you remain bound to the default - sin and death.

But I was a Christian !?

It's a pity this is not about religion. It is not a culture you get born into and learn the ways. It is you making a decision to be born again; born of God; born of the Spirit. But I was clueless 😔

I wish I could immediately discuss life without death.

Or gain without pain...but no;

To speak freedom, you must know bondage

To proclaim light, you must have been through darkness.

At this point, I'm reminded of Paul and his words in Romans 1:16:

Pause and think... why is there a need to be ashamed of the gospel of salvation in the first place ??

We are quick to deliver news of the life we are now given but what about the testimony of the old nature we were saved from?

Oh you're quiet now? Exactly.

Ephesians 5:12 acknowledges that it is a shame to speak of things done in secret. But verse 13 is the beauty of the mystery.

Ephesians 5:13 RSV "but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light"

See that!? The lesson here is; since light makes dark secrets visible. If you then, present something dark and make it visible, it is no longer dark but light!

So when you let out those dark secrets, they can no longer remain dark. You just gave it up to the light of God!! This is why I boldly present myself who was once the chief of all fornicators, now saved by grace through faith living for the glory of God and by His power. I hope you too are able to expose your darkness to the prevailing light of God.

Thanks for reading, God bless. I'll see you next time as we journey through my new life in Christ together!


  • The light in you will not be darkness In Jesus Name

  • Dark areas of your life are shone on by the marvelous light of God

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Journey with Mo

Host: Moyofoluwa Rachel Aguda. [Blogger]

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