Yes, I'm back, thank you all for your prayers!🙏🏽 Today we'll be taking a look at the pressure to speak from without (or from the outside). The same lady in "Pressured to Speak?" had promised me once I visited her to talk a little more about "harvest" in the bible. On getting there, she started talking but took very frequent breaks like she needed to gather her thoughts every now and then. I'm sure you're familiar with the scripture that says "out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water" and I believe these rivers serve others. Well, on this day, it felt as if the river I was supposed to drink from was dry, and the breaks she took was to transfer water from the other rivers into dry one for me to drink. She must have noticed. So she stopped, she laughed nervously and said: Moyo, I'm not sure I have enough information to continue this conversation. Why don't we talk about something else I learned. There's no pressure, right?
Well knowing what "pressure" could mean. I responded quickly: "Of course, there's no pressure. At least none from me". With that she smiled so sweetly at me and we began conversing again. So my people, I'm convinced that the pressure to speak was not from within but in fact from the outside (or from me in this case scenario). Something about the promise must have put her under pressure. Something about what she imagined I'd feel or think if she failed must have contributed to this pressure. Let's take a deeper look.
Luke 12:13-21 is the parable of a rich fool who laid up treasures for himself on earth but was not rich towards God. How do they correlate, Moyo? Well, you remember he also promised himself in verse 19 saying “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”. The problem was not that he had treasures on earth but that he had none in heaven and he completely banked on the treasures of this earth which he (a mere man) had put together. That means it is important to pay attention to the who/what you bank on to fulfill your promises. It is wrong on the side of the speaker to bank on her personal study, her own quiet time, her own knowledge in fulfilling a promise made to another. It is also wrong for the receiver of the promise to bank on the man who promised instead of the God of all grace who will establish the person and season her speech with grace. It is not us who wills or does anything but God who worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
To break the news my beloved readers, the "lady" has been me all along😄. Thank you all for following this story and I trust the Holy Spirit to have magnified one or two things in your heart that in speaking you may live free from any pressure be it from within or from without and speak as the Lord will have you❤
Have a blessed week! I'm trusting the Holy spirit, that if he wills I will drop a Christmas special blog post this week. If not, Merry Christmas in advance😘
Love always,
Moyo in Journey with Mo