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Who Am I? *sigh*

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

OMG life can be such a twist! Have you ever had the perfect plan? You finally gather up the courage to put the plan into action... and boom! The plan is in your face accusing you of your incapability😒

Whew okay it's not just me.

March 7th, 2020 I had such an experience. I secured a medical school mock interview. I didn't prepare for it but I was confident at least about one thing - my ability to answer the common question 'why medicine?'. I had it all planed out and I was excited for it. Being a passionate girl, I imagined it will be easy to speak about my dream, my passion, and my burden to help. All I've ever wanted is to be an influence, an encouragement, a friend, a mentor, and an overall help. So I got into the interview room, met with my interviewer (I'll call him Dr. John), and had a small chat before the "D-question".

When the time came Dr. John looked up at me from his paper and said "you were probably expecting this but why medicine?"

And I went...this 👇🏼

Dr. John, it's the satisfaction to my passion. Being a medical doctor is not just helping them get better physically, It involves a lot of emotional connection and self-giving. So I said it will be my joy to influence the healing they experience; physically of course, but even more importantly emotionally.

He looked at me with this mischievous unimpressed smile and said "well, medicine is not the only field that can do that... why not counseling? or motivational speaking? or teaching?... there are tons of them"

No, I was completely shattered emotionally after those words. I managed through the rest of the interview, got up and staggered to the restroom. I was soaked in tears questioning why I'd have thought in the first place I wanted to be a medical doctor. Like all this while I was deceiving myself? Maybe I'm really not cut for that. Omg Dr. John is so right! I should be like a counselor or something, why medicine?

Fast forward to the end of my story; I met another doctor who taught me this experience is my confidence test. It may have been true my answer was not the best, but only I can really say if I can stand with this decision. Will I follow through to the end? or should I be elsewhere? I knew the answer deep down was to remain in the medical field. Although I couldn't admit it at that time, I later did.

What does this mean for you, you ask?

Remember this: "Every time you take an important step in life towards your calling, there is a question to test your standing"

No wonder Jesus Christ said in Luke 18:8; "when the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?" How many of you dare to stand assured in the things you hope for? How many dare to hold on to their convictions of things not seen?

Faith is a law that can be applied in every area of your life.

  • Did you start something and it was belittled? Press on!

  • Are you struggling to be better spiritually or financially maybe? And you're like life is not that serious, maybe it is not the will of God I use this method...or maybe I just should just give up.

Well, are you listening to me now? IT'S A NO! Press on! Stand in Faith

Before you go, right where you are just confess this with me;

My calling will not elude me. I receive divine answer to the test of my faith. I receive grace and strength to stand. I will not think I stand lest I fall!

Finally Lord, with one voice we say we rely on you🙏🏼 solely.

Thank you Heavenly Father, thank you people. God bless and keep you! I'll see you next time as we journey through life. Together.

Your beloved,

Moyofoluwa Rachel Aguda

From the heart of a Christian Blogger in "Journey with Mo"

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Wow... inspired.

Moyofoluwa Aguda
Moyofoluwa Aguda
21 jan. 2022

Thank you so much, Harmony! I just figured out the comment section of my blog.



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